3-Hydroxy-PCP sold as ketamine11 Nov 2022VICKetamineNote: White powder containing ‘3-Hydroxy-PCP’ is being sold as ketamine in Victoria. 3-HO-PCP is a “dissociative” drug that takes longer to have an effect than ketamine, but is more potent and unpredictable A dissociative increases feelings of ‘distance from reality’, but also has other effects. Not much is known about 3-HO-PCP, but its effects appear to include unconsciousness, raised bloodRead notification
Protonitazene sold as ketamine20 Jun 2022VICHeroin & other opioids KetamineNote: yellow powder containing the potent opioid ‘protonitazene’ has been mis-sold as ketamine in Melbourne. Protonitazene is a novel synthetic opioid Opioids are central nervous system depressants. They typically produce a range of effects including sedation, short-term pain relief, and respiratory depression (breathing difficulty). Respiratory depression often appears more quickly with novel synthetic opioids (NSOs), increasing the risk of life-threateningRead notification