
MFPVP found in dipentylone sample

Source: CanTEST

A white powder sample expected to contain dipentylone was found to contain 4-fluro-3-methyl-alpha-PVP (MFPVP).

What is MFPVP? 4-fluro-3-methyl-alpha-PVP is a cathinone that hasn’t been detected at CanTEST before. It’s related to alpha-PVP and MDPV and has the potential to produce strong stimulant effects at low-dose ranges.

Effects and signs of overdose for MFPVP, and other cathinones, can include signs of a stimulant overdose (like cardiac episodes including heart attack/chest pain or racing pulse, anxiety and paranoia, overheating, seizing and slurred speech). In an emergency, timing is crucial. If you experience these or any other unexpected effects, call 000 immediately.

Reducing the harm

Test your stuff! Come and see us at CanTEST for tesing in Canberra, we can and have detected several cathinones over the past 18 months. Alsways assume your drugs may not be what you expect. Generally, people don’t realise they’re potentially consuming cathinones.

Stay cool & hydrated, cathinones can significantly affect body temp regulation.

Carry naloxone, never use alone and ask a trusted person to check on you.

Don’t mix it with alcohol or other drugs. Combining cathinones with alcohol or other drugs can increase the risk. Chat with CanTEST’s harm reduction staff for more info on how to reduce risk.

Start low & go slow. Experiencing delayed, adverse or unexpected effects? Don’t take more. Wait at least two hours before redosing and be aware that if you’ve unexpectedly used cathinones, you may experience a high redosing impulse.

Think someone has overdosed? Call 000 for an ambulance immediately.