
High purity heroin in circulation across Narrm/metro Melbourne, and possibly the Geelong area

Drug sold as: Heroin

Reason for concern: High purity

There have been multiple reports of very strong gear across all areas of Melbourne, and some from Geelong as well.

  • Please be careful and look after each other while using!
  • Please check on anyone that you come across who appear to be passed out (e.g. on the street, public transport).
  • CALL 000 IMMEDIATELY if you think someone has overdosed.

Symptoms of overdose can include:

  • discoloured skin (blue or ashen/grey), often around the mouth
  • shallow or slowed breathing (less than 12 breaths per minute)
  • cold, clammy skin
  • vomit or choking
  • snoring/gurgling (sometimes called a “death rattle”)

Try not to use alone!

If alone, let someone know you’re going to use, and have a plan in place for what to do if they can’t get in touch with you (e.g., call 000!!)

Start low, go slow!

If using from a different or unknown source, or if your regular source has a new batch, half your dose the first time. You can always use more.

Carry naloxone!

Naloxone temporarily stops the effects of heroin. It’s available from some pharmacies for FREE, and you can now get it from most NSPs (Needle Syringe Programs). DM or give us a call on (03) 9329 1500 if you have any problems finding it.

Come see us at 299-305 Victoria St, Brunswick. We’ve got naloxone and will show you how to use it – it only takes a few minutes! We can also provide you with sterile, new injecting equipment including water for injecting and assorted filters (and more!), chat about other ways to lessen risk around using, and anything else you wanna talk about. We’re here every weekday from 10.30am – 5.30pm.