Update on harmful drugs in fake alprazolam1 Aug 2022NSWBenzodiazepinesWarning: Counterfeit alprazolam in NSW rarely contains alprazolam. These products contain other drugs (mostly unregistered benzodiazepines) in variable combinations and dosages. Know the risks Effects to look out for Getting help If you see the warning signs of overdose: Support and advice For free and confidential advice: Reproduced by permission, NSW Health © 2023.Read notification
Protonitazene sold as ketamine20 Jun 2022VICHeroin & other opioids KetamineNote: yellow powder containing the potent opioid ‘protonitazene’ has been mis-sold as ketamine in Melbourne. Protonitazene is a novel synthetic opioid Opioids are central nervous system depressants. They typically produce a range of effects including sedation, short-term pain relief, and respiratory depression (breathing difficulty). Respiratory depression often appears more quickly with novel synthetic opioids (NSOs), increasing the risk of life-threateningRead notification
High dose MDMA tablets – pink irregular shape with Audi logo10 Jun 2022NSWMDMA/EcstasyWarning: High dose MDMA tablets have been found in NSW, average dose 196mg. Know the risks Effects to look out for Feeling really hot and sweaty, light headedness, rigid muscles (e.g. difficulty walking), confusion or agitation, racing pulse/heart, feeling aggressive, uncontrolled repetitive movements, vomiting, seizures, difficult to rouse / unconscious Getting help Support and advice For free and confidential advice:Read notification
High potency benzodiazepine tablets5 May 2022VICBenzodiazepinesNote: Round, white, unmarked tablets – likely sold as ‘Mylan’ or ‘Xanax’ – are circulating in Victoria. They contain five novel benzodiazepines. Novel benzodiazepines (benzos) produce some similar effects to prescription benzos but are often more potent and unpredictable. Five different novel benzos have been detected in these tablets: bromazolam, clonazolam, etizolam, flualprazolam and flubromazepam. These tablets are not aRead notification