Four heroin overdoses following use of cocaineSeptember 25, 2024NSWCocaine Heroin & other opioidsTwo people have died and another two admitted to hospital with heroin overdose after using what they believed to be cocaine in Sydney. Know the risks Effects to look out for Unexpected drowsiness, pinpoint pupils, loss of consciousness, slow breathing/snoring, and skin turning blue/grey after using a stimulant (for example cocaine, methamphetamine, or MDMA). Getting help If you or your friends seeRead notification
Cocaine adulterated with protonitazeneJuly 2, 2024VICCocaine Heroin & other opioidsA white powder sold in Melbourne as cocaine contains the potent opioid in ‘protonitazene’. Protonitazene is a novel synthetic opioid that can produce life-threatening toxic effects in very small amounts Opioids are central nervous system depressants, typically producing a range of effects including pain relief, sedation and respiratory depression (dangerously slow breathing). Respiratory depression often appears more quickly with novelRead notification
Rise in opioid overdoses after use of cocaine or methamphetamineFebruary 23, 2024NSWAmphetamines Cocaine MDMA/EcstasyWarning: 11 people have experienced severe opioid overdose after use of drugs thought to be COCAINE or METHAMPHETAMINE since December 2023. HEROIN was the opioid identified. Know the risks Effects to look out for Unexpected drowsiness, pinpoint pupils, loss of consciousness, slow breathing/snoring, and skin turning blue/grey after using a stimulant (for example cocaine, methamphetamine, or MDMA). Getting help IfRead notification
Heroin overdose after using cocaineNovember 15, 2023NSWCocaine Heroin & other opioidsWarning: One death and two hospitalisations have recently been associated with heroin overdose after use of substances thought to be cocaine across Sydney. Know the risks Effects to look out for Getting help If you or your friends see the warning signs of overdose: Support and advice Take Home Naloxone program Reproduced by permission, NSW Health © 2023Read notification
Metonitazene sold as cocaineAugust 4, 2023VICCocaine Heroin & other opioidsNote: White powder containing the potent opioid ‘metonitazene’ has been mis-sold as cocaine in Melbourne. Metonitazene is a novel synthetic opioid Opioids are central nervous system depressants. They typically produce a range of effects including sedation, short-term pain relief, and respiratory depression (where breathing slows or stops). Respiratory depression often appears more quickly with novel synthetic opioids (NSOs), increasing the riskRead notification